Three days it has been, and an imagination of poached asparagus in proper vinaigrette and shallots now would still interest me greatly and would also instantly induce hardness to my trunk. There is certainly something absolutely felicitous about the mild bitter-sweet nuttiness and crunchy-yet-soft texture of the asparagus that my feeble self-control cannot triumph. It is of great calamity to me, I am deeply devastated, for I will not know when I shall receive beloved fellatio again. Fucking frightening.
Many things go well with asparagus, but only a few go hand in hand perfectly, only a handful tastes sublime. Today however, I couldn't give a crumb of damn about it, I just want some badly, NOW.
Market surprise! Pigs found their way to Singapore! Prosciutto finally available, didn't think or check the price tag, just bought it. Air flown Australian pork got listed on the weekly market specials, $2.80 for 2 immaculately pink chunky chops, irresistible. Pancetta rolls available as well, didn't get them, costs like a whore.
So I made Seared Sage and Apple Pork Chops with Sweet potato and Asparagus. Nothing really fanciful. Flavorful and tasty.

Mise En Place
serves 2
2 Pork Chops
1 Paper Thin Prosciutto di Parma, chopped
1/2 Apple, julienned
10 Sage Leaves, chopped
2Tbsps Butter
A swig of dry white wine
1 cup Chicken Stock
1 large Sweet Potato, skinned and disced
15 stalks Asparagus(entirely optional)
Sea Salt
Black Pepper
-Preheat oven to 200C.
-Rub sweet potatoes with EVOO and salt. Bake for 15-20mins.

-Mix butter with sage, Prosciutto and apples.
-Score pork chops, season and rub marinated butter in.

-Sear pork chops on medium high heat at 4mins a side. Pop in the oven for further 5-10mins. Set aside.

-Pan will look like shit. That is good.

-Deglaze with wine and stock. Reduce till sauce consistency.

-Grill asparagus with EVOO and salt, set aside.

-To plate, lay sweet potatoes and asparagus on plate, top with chops and drizzle sauce. Enjoy!
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