serves 6-8
750g 00 Flour or Bread Flour, plus more for dusting
7 medium eggs
Sea Salt
Pile flour on a work surface or a tray and make a well in the centre.

Crack eggs in the well with a touch of EVOO and a pinch of salt. Beat with fork.

Slowly mix in flour and egg with a fork to avoid getting lumps.

Mix until dough is formed, then dust your hands with flour and knead.

Dust your hands with more flour if it gets too sticky. Knead till it doesn't stick and until the dough gets springy.

Knead into a ball and dust with more flour, let it rest for 40 mins, covered, to retain moisture.

Roll until desired thickness. Flour well.

Fold pasta into a roll. Flour. Then cut them into desired sizes. Alternatively, use a pasta machine.

You have a very nice blog, good post...keep up the good job
Thanks, you must be very attractive and also you have good taste.
hey that looks like what my grand mother makes, i am surprised you are not italian and can make pasta like that
Well then kudos to your grandma. She can make pasta like anyone else.
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