The Trattoria Project and Spectaculars: re: project trattoria

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Sunday, August 5, 2007

re: project trattoria

As you've known by now, i am putting advertisements and affiliations up on the page.
Yes. I needa generate some bling to buy my groceries, pay for my course... and er, get some booze.. but mainly groceries, cause' i am afterall earning a low military wage.

If you have also realized, i have recently revealed a couple of my recipes to share with everyone. But please do not be disheartened if i don't, for i will be setting up a trattoria in time to come and i do need to keep my recipes secret, it is just business. Thank you for your understanding and for the lovely emails you've all sent(thought it would be great if you'd put it up on comments instead).

Have a nice one, lotsa luv

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